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2007 East Caribbean States 25 Centstriggersmob12/12/08 at 11:03Guest_Anon: GGGG real nice

1861-P Indianhead CentMetalman11/18/08 at 16:38Guest_Anon: Interesting...what's up with the "S"...

Emperor Severus AlexanderBonedigger10/30/08 at 16:08Guest_Maridvnvm: Severus Alexander rather than Septimius Severus

1916 I Half Penny 2 NO I MINT MARKfarnbycoins06/25/08 at 12:44Guest_KurtS: That's a nice one! I can barely see a trace o...

1852 Type II Adelaide PoundEric06/17/08 at 23:21Guest_Anon: I can only dream Eric. Very nice.

1946 Half Penny 5 Multiple Dots revfarnbycoins06/11/08 at 22:31farnbycoins: No, there is a couple of verdigris spots and some ...

1946 Half Penny 5 Multiple Dots revfarnbycoins06/11/08 at 03:02Guest_KurtS: It looks like a blundered there also a ra...

1949 Half Pennyfarnbycoins06/10/08 at 01:15Guest_KurtS: This reminds me of something. On Halfpenny dies, w...

1921 I Half Penny 3 A12C Denticle pattern Half close upfarnbycoins06/09/08 at 01:18farnbycoins: That's great to hear Kurt. Is the reason I wan...

1964 One Penny Cud extends into Obv fieldfarnbycoins06/09/08 at 01:11farnbycoins: It's a beauty isn't it Kurt, unfortunately...

1964 One Penny Cud extends into Obv fieldfarnbycoins06/08/08 at 22:55Guest_KurtS: It almost looks like a piece of the die has broken...

1964y One penny 2 Has Fill? Roos hindfarnbycoins06/08/08 at 18:18Guest_KurtS: My guess would also be something was stuck in the ...

1942I Half penny Rev D K leg shot Type B No 2farnbycoins06/08/08 at 15:31Guest_KurtS: I have a 42-I 1/2d that looks very similar in this...

1921 I Half Penny 3 A12C Denticle pattern Half close upfarnbycoins06/07/08 at 18:15Guest_KurtS: I just realized I have one of matches t...

1931 One Penny X Indian Die closefarnbycoins06/06/08 at 18:03Guest_KurtS: I'm keeping my eye out for this one--and the d...

1942I Half Penny 2 Reverse D Long Denticles Rennicks A36Afarnbycoins06/06/08 at 13:03farnbycoins: Had not noticed nor heard of those faults before, ...

1942I Half Penny Rev C 9 large lamination flaw obverse obv closefarnbycoins06/06/08 at 12:53farnbycoins: Yes it is quite interesting lamination flaw, with ...

1962y One penny 2 Double nose obvfarnbycoins06/06/08 at 02:04Guest_KurtS: Nice example of a DDO! The spread is very dramati...

1942 Half Pennytriggersmob06/06/08 at 01:55Guest_KurtS: This is the 1942-I (Bombay mint) long denticles ty...

1942I Half Penny 2 Reverse D Long Denticles Rennicks A36Afarnbycoins06/06/08 at 00:01Guest_KurtS: I have a type D reverse with the same missing leg ...

1942I Half Penny Rev C 9 large lamination flaw obverse obv closefarnbycoins06/05/08 at 23:56KurtS: That's interesting! The surface metal has buck...

1926 Half Penny 5 Rennicks_A17A_Die_crack_through_crown_obverse obvfarnbycoins06/04/08 at 21:47Guest_A: Looks like it was a double stamped coin.

1817 over 3 overdatefengk06/02/08 at 15:03Bonedigger: Now, that is a beautiful Crusty Busty. Thanks for...

1957 Clip?chrsb05/29/08 at 23:59Guest_Anon: yep thats a straight clip.

1917 Standing Liberty Quarter Type 1 Obvsusanlynn905/22/08 at 03:371913-V: I love this coin.

2007 20¢ Thin 7 Skeleton Claw 3.jpgnancyc05/10/08 at 06:56farnbycoins: Good shot nancy, shows clearly.

2006 Strike ThroughYass05/10/08 at 00:50farnbycoins: A very nice example. Great shot yass

2003 Samoa -revMila_cent02/22/08 at 06:10triggersmob: Sylvia, that's a very nice looking note. Very ...

2006 Strike ThroughYass01/11/08 at 05:21Guest_jojozk: great errors great photos

Metalman01/02/08 at 19:07Guest_SA4H: I see double....

1864 New Brunswick One CentBonedigger09/24/07 at 14:27Guest_Anon: what is the value on the 1864 one cent New Brunswi...

1937 German 5 Marks, NaziBonedigger09/06/07 at 06:22Guest_Dan: Cool shot. The coin has had a hard life tho, hasnt...

1823 Capped Bust HalfBonedigger08/01/07 at 23:18Guest_bustchaser: A reasonably nice looking coin but it is O-106a, n...

1921-P VAM-69A Pitting Around S-OSuperDave06/16/07 at 19:16Guest_maohzeruge: how do you get such good pictures

1878-P 7TF Morgan VAM-79 ReverseSuperDave05/31/07 at 11:45Guest_Anon: I don't believe your 1878 would grade that wel...

TLS593305/22/07 at 10:41Guest_spica: great coin with Leif Ericsson !

Anumudu Mihindu Jayanthiyashatsi05/22/07 at 10:19Guest_Spica: great coins from Sri Lanka !

Elagbaus Tetradrachm 5.3 gramsBonedigger04/08/07 at 12:46Bonedigger: Oh no, this was purchased as an Elagabus tetradrac...

Elagbaus Tetradrachm 5.3 gramsBonedigger04/08/07 at 11:24Guest_t360: nice! did you find this one also in an uncleaned l...

Michael IV 1034-1041Bonedigger04/08/07 at 10:04Guest_t360: sweet detail on this one - nice!

2007 (P) Washington Dollartriggersmob03/20/07 at 07:40Guest_Anon: Makes me jealous

Canadian Silver DollarRenaL02/08/07 at 06:40Gary Burke: I have the entire set. What beautiful coins!!

2006 S Kennedy Half DollarMila_cent02/08/07 at 06:37Gary Burke: JFK's are my favorite U.S. coin. The proof is...

NAHC 1oz Silver (Bighorn Sheep)Tpatna02/05/07 at 03:43Guest_potter: I just love the NAHC silver coin collection; they ...

1994 Rabbit Var 2Yass12/31/06 at 12:34Guest_Anon: nice I wish I had a few Austy coins

1829 Capped Bust Half Dollar Revsusanlynn912/28/06 at 16:12Bonedigger: Just as pretty as the obverse...

1811 over 10 Capped Bust HalfBonedigger12/27/06 at 21:03Gary Burke: Very attractive coin.

1954 (S) Lincoln Centtriggersmob12/09/06 at 01:44Metalman: Pretty coin !! But then Im a Lincoln Nut !!